兜圈征(“Round the Houses” sign)

兜圈征(“Round the Houses” sign)指眼球无法完成沿中线的垂直扫视。其上下运动需转至外侧形成倾斜弧度,走形呈曲线形轨迹,而非直接↑↓。该体征可能是因内侧纵束喙侧间质核(rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus,riMLF)严重的细胞缺失或功能障碍所致。riMLF内的神经元主要负责触发垂直扫视,而脑桥旁正中网状结构所含神经元主要形成水平扫视。



58岁男性,表现为进行性不自主抖动。除多导肌动描记评估提示的皮质肌阵挛以外,我们发现患者垂直扫视时眼球运动的环形轨迹,称为“兜圈”征(“round the houses” sign)。



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2. Eggink H, Brandsma R, van der Hoeven JH, Lange F, de Koning TJ, Tijssen MA.Teaching Video NeuroImages: The "round the houses" sign as a clinical clue for Niemann-Pick disease type C.Neurology. 2016 May 10;86(19):e202.

3. Crespi J, Bråthen G, Quist-Paulsen P, Pagonabarraga J, Roig-Arnall C.Facial Dystonia with Facial Grimacing and Vertical Gaze Palsy with "Round the Houses" Sign in a 29-Year-Old Woman.Neuroophthalmology. 2016 Jan 19;40(1):31-34.

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